
Meet the ZOA-Zambia team

Zambia Orphan Aids-Zambia affectionately known as ZOA-Z, lead on ZOA’s strategic programme development and management, monitoring and evaluation. The team is led by our Chief Executive Officer, Grace Kancheya Nkhuwa, and supported by Patricia Mbao, Project Coordinator, Richard Foster, Finance & Administration Officer and governed by a board of governors. ZOA-Z liaise directly with our grassroots partners and make sure that all the money you raise is spent effectively and that our projects are delivering the best they possibly can for all the orphans and vulnerable children we support. Their income comes from a variety of sources including ZOA-UK and ZOA-US.
To contact the team please call on +260 96 6740663 or email grace@zoazambia.org 

Happy Child

In the office

Grace Kancheya Nkhuwa
Grace Kancheya Nkhuwa

Grace joined the team in 2019 bringing over 20 years’ experience in development work including working with vulnerable communities on agriculture, financial inclusion and disability.

Grace is passionate about contributing to changing the lives of the less privileged in society. Coming from a humble background herself, she fully appreciates how education is an equaliser.

Patricia Mbao
Project Coordinator

Patricia has worked for financial institutions and the Non-Governmental Organisation sector and brings with her 18 years of management, procurement, accountancy and administration experience.

Patricia is motivated by her passion to do something positive for those less privileged.

Foster Richard Banda
Finance and Administration Officer

Foster has an accounting degree and has previously worked in engineering and communications sectors. This is his first role in the NGO sector and he is responsible for all payments to suppliers and schools, taxation, and supporting with budgeting and auditing processes. 

Foster is the newest and youngest member of the ZOA-Z team, having joined in 2024!

ZOA-Zambia Board of Trustees

OA Zambia is governed by a Board of Trustees who are highly committed and share a wide range of experience. They include government economists and engineers, gender, health and education experts, human rights advocates and food security experts. Along with the office team they all have a passion to help vulnerable children in their own country.
Dr Tukiya Kankasa-Mabula
Dr Tukiya Kankasa-Mabula
Tukiya is a respected lawyer, educator, administrator, business woman and advocate on gender issues. She served as the Deputy Governor at the Bank of Zambia until December 2019.

Tukiya is a passionate advocate of human rights for woman and children and worked with UNICEF to incorporate child rights into the Zambian Constitution.
Bernadette Mulenga
Bernadette Mulenga

Professionally trained as a secretary, Bernadette worked in private sector mine and law firms. Alongside her secretarial career and after retirement she volunteered her time at a number of cooperatives and at her local church.

She is particularly interested in helping orphans and vulnerable children and was keen to contribute to the ZOA’s work.

Mrs Gertrude Zulu
Mrs Gertrude Zulu

Gertrude began her career in the newly independent Zambia’s Ministry of Social Welfare supporting disadvantaged families in the Copper Belt area. Later she completed an MBA in Finance and subsequently worked in accounting.

However, throughout her studying and working life she’s had an interest in organisations working for the welfare of girls and women. This lead her to meeting Shimwaayi and being involved in forming ZOA. 

Robie Siamwiza
Robie Siamwiza
Monitoring and Evaluation Committee Chair

Robie is a former Senior Lecturer in the Social Development Studies Department at the University of Zambia and has been a consultant in the gender, health and education sectors for 25 years.

In addition to serving on the ZOA-Z board she is an active volunteer for civil society and faith based organisations in Zambia.

Robert Liebentha

Robert is a development economist and manager with more than 40 years of management and field experience covering Africa, Europe and Central Asia. From 1975 to 2002, he worked at the World Bank, where he held various professional and management positions.

Since retiring from the Bank and moving back to Zambia, he has worked as an economic consultant for various organizations.

Gideon Bulwani
Gideon Bulwani

Gideon is an Organisation Development consultant and specialises in providing capacity building services to public, private and civil society sector organisations.

His areas of expertise include institutional development, strategic planning, organisational change, leadership and executive coaching and board development support.

Martin Mulinda

Martin is a lawyer specialising in employment and HR issues. He brings to the ZOA-Z board a combination of legal experience, HR knowledge and training expertise.  

Martin is currently the board chairperson and co-CEO of Feed/NAT Seeds in Zambia.

Nkaka Kasonde
Nkaka Kasonde

A highly successful Chartered Accountant with excellent knowledge of financial reporting and accounting, tax and audit.

Nkaka decided to volunteer his skills to ZOA-Z because of his passion to contribute to poverty alleviation and his belief that education support is a key intervention.

Help change a child's future

Your help can support children through primary andsecondary school, provide nutritious school meals so pupilsaren’t learning on an empty stomach and support those that canthrough tertiary vocational training. We provide a holisticapproach so also provide mental health support and other inputswhere needed.

Thank you!